Anatomic Pathology: Infectious Disease Pathology

• Cat-scratch disease most often manifests as self-limiting, localized lymphadenitis in the draining site of a cat scratch; it typically affects children and young adults.

• The initial site of infection is the skin, and patients may present with a papule.

• Disseminated disease develops in about 10% of infected patients. Liver, spleen, central nervous system, and bones have been reported to be involved.

• Histologically, suppurative granulomas (stellate abscesses in epithelioid cell granulomas) are characteristic.

• The causative organism of cat-scratch disease, B. henselae, is also the cause of bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis, vascular diseases affecting the skin and the spleen, respectively.

Mogollon-Pasapera E, Otvos L Jr, Giordano A, et al: Bartonella: emerging pathogen or emerging awareness? Int J Infect Dis 2009;13(1):3-8.

Rolain JM, Chanet V, Laurichesse H, et al: Cat scratch disease with lymphadenitis, vertebral osteomyelitis, and spleen abscesses. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2003;990:397-403.

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