Clinical Pathology: General Principles, Immunology & Histocompatibility

• In order of sensitivity, the antibody testing methodology can be arranged in the following order:

Complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) < flow cytometry (FC) < solid-phase assays (SPAs).

• A negative CDC crossmatch reaction allows a transplant to proceed with minimal risk of hyperacute rejection. The presensitization status of an allograft recipient may necessitate desensitization, induction therapies, and increased immunologic monitoring protocols by biopsy and serum antibody screening.

• Antibody therapies designed to eliminate immune cell lineages (i.e., rituximab) interfere with cell-based assays (CDC and FC).

• Humanized antibodies used for therapies can persist in circulation for months.

• SPAs detect only antibodies against antigens coated on the solid phase (i.e., human leukocyte antigen (HLA)- coated beads for the Luminex method). As a result, SPA testing is not susceptible to the iatrogenic effects of antibody therapies.

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