Clinical Pathology: General Principles, Lab Management, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Pathology, Hematology & Coagulation

• Analyte lability can compromise test accuracy for certain specimens.

• Because of analyte lability, federal law created the special category of provider-performed microscopy procedures.

• A physician, dentist, midlevel practitioner, or physician assistant must personally perform these tests.

• A certificate for provider-performed microscopy procedures is required. Under this certificate, the laboratory may also perform waived tests.

• Provider-performed microscopy procedures include wet mounts, all potassium hydroxide preparations, pinworm examinations, fern tests, postcoital direct qualitative examinations, vaginal or cervical mucus evaluations, nasal smears for granulocytes, fecal leukocyte examinations, and qualitative semen analyses.

Kiechle FL: Point-of-care testing for body fluids.In Kost GJ, ed. Principles and practice of point-of-care testing. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 2002, pp. 174-194.

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