Anatomic Pathology: Gynecologic Pathology

539) A patient underwent endometrial curettage for abnormal bleeding. The histopathology of the obtained curettings is shown. The following may be said with certainty:

• IUDs are not without complications. These complications include heavier menses, increased vaginal Candida infections, and increased incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in the setting of multiple sexual partners.

• Progestagen-containing IUDs result in endometrial change associated with progestin administration known as pseudodecidualization of the stroma. Chronic endometritis containing plasma cells is also associated with IUD use.

• Uterine actinomycosis is usually superficial, but deep infection has been reported. In rare cases, the infection may become systemic and may be fatal. Establishment of the correct diagnosis followed by IUD removal and proper antibiotic therapy is recommended when Actinomyces is detected in a Pap smear or in endometrial curettings.

• The length of time the IUD remains in the uterus increases the risk for Actinomyces infection. Most cases of Actinomyces are recognized in women who have had IUDs for periods longer than 1 year. Rarely, Actinomyces is seen on the Pap smears of women who do not have IUDs, making recognition of the organism important even without accompanying clinical history.

• Forgotten tampons and pessaries are also culprits in Actinomyces infection. Ascending infection is thought to derive from the perineum or from orogenital and anogenital contact.

Actinomyces is commonly recognized because of the characteristic presence of sulfur granules.

Buckley CH: The pathology of intra-uterine contraceptive devices. Curr Top Pathol 1994;86:307-330.

de la Monte SM, Gupta PK, White CL 3rd: Systemic Actinomyces infection. A potential complication of intrauterine contraceptive devices. JAMA 1982;248(15):1876-1877.

Fitzhugh VA, Heller DS: Significance of a diagnosis of microorganisms on Pap smear. J Lower Genit Tract Dis 2008;12(1):40-51.

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